Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nokia Lumia 920 Developer Edition, The Only Lumia 920 Which Can Act As A World Phone

This week from Tuesday to Friday Microsoft held their //Build/ conference where they tell developers about the developing for the windows platform. The conference both focus on Windows 8 as well as Windows Phone 8. Surprisingly the atendees where given a Lumia 920 but this is no ordinary 920, this version is what Nokia calls a one of a kind device and they will never make it again. Nokia understands that developers come from all around the world have different radio frequencies son they created the developer edition of the  windows phone 8 device. This dev model is capable of connecting to virtually any network or carrier, so this phone is made a world phone. It supports any band possible but only comes in one color. The phone has already made it to ebay and it is sold for $1199.
Source: Phonearena 
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